Here is the follow up to our previous post where we're giving you 28 pro tips and tricks if you're new to online marketing. You can read the previous post here or you can go on and check the video we made just below!
Let's keep going then!
3. Instagram feed
Use video
Instagram is the go to platform for inspiration. So if you want to reach your audience better, use video ads and do not rely so much on still images.
No link clicks
On Instagram, we have noticed a trend in which the users do not click the links you add to the content. Do not obsess with traffic ads
Be more inspirational
We always talk about the customer journey and Instagram is the place where the user comes for inspiration, so try to be that and don’t go crazy on the sales pitch.
Use Instagram high in the funnel
You need to inspire the customer right? So think of the platform as a way to maximise engagement, awareness and video views. You’ll convert somewhere else.

4. Instagram stories
Traffic to website? Yes please
Campaigns work great: The placement on Instagram to drive traffic are the stories!
Users will swipe up
Use a combination of video and link and users will swipe up to land on your site.
Longer on the site
In our experience users who land on your website from an Instagram story ad, tend to stay longer, but your mileage may vary of course.
Use the right format
Remember the first point in the Snapchat section? Then you know they both use the same format: 9:16.
No need for copies
When you use the right format you don’t need to write a copy in the ad. The content will fill up the screen, so make sure to convey your message through it.
Leave space on the top and lower third
same idea as with Snapchat, otherwise your text won’t be legible
5. Extra pro tips
Leave the bidding in auto when you start a campaign and let it run for a week or so. If you wish to manually control it, then bid above your results to try and win the auction.
UTM box
Facebook and Instagram have a great UTMtool in the platform. What you need to do is create the UTM and paste the elements after the “?” in the box. That way all you have to do is change the url and you can always carry over the rest.
When running video campaigns, always create a Custom Audience of the people who engaged with it. You can always use that in future campaigns.
And this is it! We hope these two posts were helpful for you guys and please feel free to reach out should you have any question.
Thanks for reading!