Facebook ads

We are experts in Facebook advertising
Facebook ads

Have you ever considered advertising on Facebook, but been reluctant after hearing that “Facebook is dead”? Facebook is still the largest social media in Norway and is used by more than 2 million Norwegians every day, and advertising on Facebook is absolutely still very relevant. In order to obtain good results it is crucial to work with, and not against, the Facebook-algorithm. This includes having a clear strategy, as well as monitoring and continuously testing various angles and content.  We work closely with our customers in order to reach the right target group with the relevant message at the right time.

Why should you advertise on Facebook?
  1. Access to a highly efficient advertising algorithm 
  2. Possibility to tailor your messaging to your target audience
  3. Cost effective and budget control
  4. Efficiently test creatives and copies and produce more of what works
How do I know that Facebook works for me?

The simple answer is: we do not know until we have tested. However, in our experience the vast majority of companies can benefit from Facebook ads, both B2B and B2C, regardless of audience size. There are no shortcuts to success and advertising on Facebook requires both time and resources to give it a good chance of success.

In addition you will need a clear strategy for what you wish to achieve with your marketing on social media. You will not achieve much with a bit of effort here and there, or to get started without a clear plan and KPIs. This can sometimes be an overwhelming process, and we will support you every step of the way. 

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Need help with your Facebook ads?


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